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Certification for jiu-jitsu belts.

On April 28, the attestation for belts will take place. Jiu-jitsu is a great choice for kids. This sport is characterized by minimal injuries and full of a deep philosophy of harmony with the surrounding world. Jiu-jitsu is for kids from 4 years old. Due to the soft technique of movements and the absence of shock techniques in jiu-jitsu, both boys and girls can train.

Children trained hard, attended competitions and they are ready to receive belts. In addition to belts, an international diploma, a budo passport, children receive harmonious physical development, temper their will and character, develop mental strength, and also learn to protect themselves.

A few tips for a successful starting:

1. Do not allow to miss training without a good reason, it leads to a unwillingness to attend lessons in the future.
2. Always be present at competitions, demo lessons, so that the kid understands that his parents support him.
3. Always praise the child, even for a small victory, the praise and interest of parents is a powerful motivation to win.

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